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  • Autism & Neurodiversity

    Individuals with neurological differences have unique gifts and challenges. Many see the world through the lens of logic and systems and have sustained interests that foster expert knowledge. However, navigating relationships, educational systems, employment, and life skills may require support. If you or someone you love is diagnosed with autism/Asperger’s or you are the parent/caregiver of a child who is diagnosed with autism, you know daily activities and expectations can cause emotional dysregulation leading to outbursts, problematic behaviors, and/or withdrawal. Often friends, family, and faith-based communities struggle to understand the challenges associated with autism leaving the individual and family members feeling overwhelmed and isolated. We are here to help.

    Rachel provides psychotherapy for adolescents and adults diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other co-occurring diagnoses specializing in understanding the diagnostic profile, parent/caregiver coaching, linking to appropriate community-based services and supports, and education consultation. Psychotherapy is tailored to the individual, but often includes practical strategies for emotional regulation, cognitive flexibility, and verbal and non-verbal communication.

    Brief Autism Consultation

    Receiving an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming. Rachel provides brief consultation services (3-5 sessions) to help you determine the next steps in your journey. This includes reviewing the diagnostic report, parent/caregiver support, identifying and prioritizing the most appropriate treatment recommendations, and linking to community supports and services. Rachel also provides consultation to help determine if moving forward with a formal autism evaluation is the appropriate next step. Please contact us to schedule an autism consultation. 

    The concept of neurodiversity provides a paradigm shift in how we think about mental functioning. Instead of regarding large portions of the American public as suffering from deficit, disease, or dysfunction in their mental processing, neurodiversity suggests that we instead speak about differences in cognitive functioning.”

    – Dr. Thomas Armstrong